Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Ideas

Hey guys! I need some Christmas ideas for your little ones. I don't know what they need/want and would appreciate some help. I know Melissa said gift cards, but I can shop online and get free shipping on a lot of sites, so I just need some ideas. I mostly don't know what to get for the really younguns like Taylor, Hannah, and Brandon. H E L P! If its clothes or anything, I'll need their sizes.


Melissa said...

Emily-You really don't need to do gifts. I had forgot that the cousins drew names so really...please don't worry about it now. Concentrate on Kallen getting a J-O-B :)

Big Momma said...

Emily, what are you doing up at 2 AM? Grandma GG would appreciate some gift ideas also! So, everyone please, or i'll have to make those sexy underwear for them! (and you know I can do it!)

bEN said...

.....underwear is fine, just as long as it is not made out of BURLAP!!

Big Momma said...

Hey, I'm serious here, Benjamin!

Melissa said...

Don't worry Ben, I got your name for Christmas and you and dad are both getting homemade burlap suits :) Yippeee for you!!!

Melissa said...

Mom-gift ideas for my chillen's:
Brian would love a GC from the Walmarts or you can actually get Wii point GC at the Walmarts..he would love that then he can use them to buy games. Zacky also a CG from the Walmarts or Target..they have GEO Tracks (train sets) there that he loves. Taylor aslo GC to the Walmarts or Target or just a real remote control. Love you!

bEN said...

Jack (and his dad) also enjoy GeoTrax. For Jahannah ideas, just think of anything you would take away from her if she were at your house - these are the items she likes.

bEN said...

By the way - I am serious too. No burlap underwear!