Friday, February 29, 2008


YEAH!!!!!! Paul's rash is finally starting to clear up! He wouldn't let me post the pictures of his poor legs, arms and tummy. Talk about miserable!!! I think he's finally on the mend after 3 trips to the doctor, 3 perscriptions, numerous creams, lotions, bath soaks, 1 Priesthood blessing, his name in the temple, our 3rd try at a different laundry detergent and lots of prayers. Our washing machine and dryer has been going almost nonstop for the past 4 days. Do you know how many pairs of socks this man has? And shirts!!!!!!! Oh my josh!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I was going to..... the results of the 'favorite songs' survey since I finished my homework for the week early (it is only 11:53 pm). However, since I have a big day at work tomorrow, I think I will opt for something I rarely experience, a full 6 hours of sleep in a night. Perhaps I will have time to post the thing tomorrow.......of course......nobody will probably ever know the difference anyway.

Friday, February 22, 2008

"We do not know the future, but our Father in Heaven does, and He will lead and guide us if we let Him. When we are in tune with the Spirit, we will see many small miracles happen in our lives. I have found that having the ability to see and recognize these small miracles is based upon my spiritual worthiness, my willingness to be obedient, and my desire to not allow myself to become complacent and caught up in worldly and personal pursuits."
--Ronald T. Halverson, "Obeying the Whisperings of the Holy Ghost", Ensign, Aug 2007, 56–58

Sunday, February 17, 2008

February/March Events

I do not know if I have all annivesaries and birthdays, but here is a recap of February and what is coming up in March and April
  • February 7th Birthday (1) - Brandon
  • February 15th - Birthday - Uncle Robert
  • March 12th - Birthday (4) - Jack
  • April 12th - Birthday - Mindy
  • April 20th (Pothead day) - Birthday - Kallen

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Bob!!

I cannot locate a picture of Uncle Bob on my computer, so this is someone else's Uncle Bob I found by doing a google image search for "Uncle Bob." I must say it's not too bad.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We were talking to Chris the other night and we decided that Ben the Blogmaster needs to post a monthly calendar on the blog that reminds us of important family events and things we need to remember. It's a shame to forget someone as darling as Brandon. I remember one father's day a few years ago when Dad didn't get one card or one phone call from anyone. It's a bummer thing to have happen. Dad has a great calendar program.....perhaps he could upload it to the blog? I don't know.
Also I had some thoughts about the wind. So here goes:
It has been extremely windy here.....I mean 150 MPH wind on the Rattlesnake mountains. Wind so bad that it knocked out the computers at Dad's work and people were sent home early......poor visibility because of blowing dust, etc. We've had wind that has kept us awake at night and made us feel agitated and on edge. So, Sunday I was thinking about the wind in conjunction with Satan. The wind pushes us, and forces us, and moves objects often against their will. It is cold and uncomfortable to be blown about. Satan's plan was to force us all to get back to the presence of Heavenly Father. We are often blown about by false doctrine or troubles brought on by our own unrighteousness or poor choices. Christ, on the other hand, is like the sun. He is Light. He shines on us , wams us with his presence and we feel that burning in our hearts and know He loves us. We feel the warmth of the gospel and the glow that comes with making good choices and following His teachings. So, there's my little churchy thought for the week. I'm thankful that we have more days of Sunshine than windy days.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Happy Birthday to Brandon, on the 7th! Remember him? Anyone? Hello? GATCH!


Benny, how glad we are that you guys are all safe! I don't watch the news so I didn't know about all the catostrophic weather. Sorry man. I have had the flu all week. No fun! I know Melissa and ALL of her kids had it the week before. Ugh. I believe Chris and his family have been sick too. Tis the season, I suppose. Or maybe Kallen got us all sick in Vegas?? That would be a pretty delayed reaction though, since I just barely caught it, and he had it about 3-4 weeks ago. Hmmm. The good news is, I've lost 4 1/2 pounds. Woo hoo! I also finished "Twilight" and "New Moon" and have had to ban myself from starting "Eclipse" until I finish my young women's lesson for tomorrow. Good books. Thanks Mom! They have given me very strange dreams, though. The bad news is I missed almost 4 days of work and I still feel pretty crappy. I think I'm finally on the upswing though. We took Hal to the park today and I made almost a whole loop around before I got worn out. We intended to go and play fetch and just hang out, but the neurotic little guy wouldn't so much as look at his tennis ball....the same ball he almost bit me for trying to take away about an hour earlier. What a little weirdo. Kallen calls him a.d.d. dog and figures he was just too distracted by all the goings-on at the park. So there ya go! There's my word vomit for the day. Not much else has been going on....

Friday, February 8, 2008

all is quiet on the Bodkin blog site

Where have all the Bodkins gone?

Something flowers.....blah blah blah.

When will they ever Blog?

When will they

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Killer Storm

Don't worry anybody - we're okay. We weren't among the forty people who perished during the killer storm that ripped through Kentucky and Tennessee last night. We hunkered down on the ground floor within our little bathroom just in case the house was destroyed around us, but no worries, we survived and the house (amazingly) did too. So no need to call and check on us....we are all fine.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The end of a Bodmer family tradition

The canned salmon is gone forever. It was lost in transit from Kentucky to the Deckers in Pennsylvania. It was last in my possession, so I am not sure what that means......I am the loser? In any case, I am sorry I ruined everybodys' good time. At least you wont find that damn jar in your suitcase when unpacking again.