Friday, July 11, 2008

Need to know...........

FYI: I am having carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand on July 21st.
Also: Can someone who knows how, please spiff up this is boring! We need a different background or something. I tried, but failed miserably.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy Summer

Hi everybody. It has been a while since I have talked to many of you, so I wanted to say hello and that I hope all is well with you and yours. You would think summer would be a time when life slows down a bit without school and holidays, but the opposite seems true. I hope to someday live in a place where we can all get together on the 4th of July to eat potato and macaroni salads, watermelon, and whatever's on the grill. Then we could possibly play volleyball, of course there'd be swimming, and then a roman candle fight or two. I miss you all and wish you a safe holiday.
