Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We were talking to Chris the other night and we decided that Ben the Blogmaster needs to post a monthly calendar on the blog that reminds us of important family events and things we need to remember. It's a shame to forget someone as darling as Brandon. I remember one father's day a few years ago when Dad didn't get one card or one phone call from anyone. It's a bummer thing to have happen. Dad has a great calendar program.....perhaps he could upload it to the blog? I don't know.
Also I had some thoughts about the wind. So here goes:
It has been extremely windy here.....I mean 150 MPH wind on the Rattlesnake mountains. Wind so bad that it knocked out the computers at Dad's work and people were sent home early......poor visibility because of blowing dust, etc. We've had wind that has kept us awake at night and made us feel agitated and on edge. So, Sunday I was thinking about the wind in conjunction with Satan. The wind pushes us, and forces us, and moves objects often against their will. It is cold and uncomfortable to be blown about. Satan's plan was to force us all to get back to the presence of Heavenly Father. We are often blown about by false doctrine or troubles brought on by our own unrighteousness or poor choices. Christ, on the other hand, is like the sun. He is Light. He shines on us , wams us with his presence and we feel that burning in our hearts and know He loves us. We feel the warmth of the gospel and the glow that comes with making good choices and following His teachings. So, there's my little churchy thought for the week. I'm thankful that we have more days of Sunshine than windy days.


bEN said...

I looked for some calendars that can be formatted into blogspot, but do not feel comfortable doing it this way until google adds it themselves. So I think a list each month of events would be best. So I suppose since I am the least busy of everyone, I will take on the responsibility of adding a monthly list of events to the blog. That way when I inevitabley miss something, everyone can reply to the post and let me know how insensitive or forgetful I am. I will post Febuary and March very soon.

Emily said...

Thanks Benny. I can't think of any important events from my little family to add for the next few months, but I'll try to send any important dates ahead of time so you don't get blamed for forgetting stuff. Thanks for taking on the responsibility. I think its a great idea!

Big Momma said...

Thanks, Ben!!! No wonder, you're my favorite!