Saturday, June 14, 2008

Quote from Chad Hawkin's book "Faith in the Service"

I thought this was pretty cool: "As a soldier in Afghanistan, when I think of Father’s Day, my first thoughts are not about my personal relationship with my father or my son’s relationship with me. My initial reflections are on the gratitude I have for the founding fathers of the United States of America—those who built our great nation and fought for freedom for the original colonies and along the frontier. They risked their lives, fortunes, and honor to establish a sovereign nation where citizens could have liberty while pursuing a life of happiness. Those who sacrificed so much to establish the freedom and liberty of this country have blessed the lives of its citizens for generations, and the events surrounding the founding of America established an environment that allowed the gospel of Jesus Christ to be restored." HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU FATHERS, AND FATHER WANNABEES.

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