Friday, May 16, 2008


You guys are all loosers! Do you know how long I spent finding the pictures and putting them on the blog??? I'm done! Nobody looks or responds! So, you're on your own! Mama's mad!


Emily said...

Bye Mom, we'll miss you! Can Dad still play?? By the way, what's a looser? If you're gonna call names, I think we should be losers. Halejalulah! Love you!!

Big Momma said...

You just SHUT UP, Emily!

PahlEWog said...

Oooooooh. You guys are in trouble now. Can't we all just get along??

P.S. I thought I should have a now I'm official.

Big Momma said...

OH MY WORD! I just finished watching frontline and I'm afraid I've been guilty of cyber-bullying. I apologize! My only consolation is knowing that I didn't call you all LOSERS! Because you're not! And, by the way, Paul......if I knew how to spell that sound Emily makes in her throat, I'd write it! That picture is pure Hubba Hubba!

Emily said...

Ring a ding ding Dad! What a handsome picture! I don't know how to spell the throat sound either, but just imagine it in your head. Still love you Mom!

bEN said...

Sorry Mama,
I guess I had given up a while ago too, only I didn't bully anyone. Since my wife left me, I have been all out of sync, I even got out of my routine of checking the blog every day (or even every week for that matter).

bEN said...

Also, I dig the new background.....first place to whoever made the change.

bEN said...

I like how Grandma Lucille's sunglasses are totally in style now. By the way, I posted some new kids pics over on my smells like updog blog. Peace.

Big Momma said...

.....And Ben would know about sunglasses!!! Have you ever know anyone who has a twirling sunglass rack in their closet? Uh-huh...that's our Ben!

Chris Bodmer said...

Ok, now everyone simmer down! We all need to count to ten, take a few deep breaths, get a drink of water, and use the bathroom. The order is not important, I like to mix it up from time to time just to keep things interesting . . . this has saved the lives of many people (they just don;t know it). We are an eternal family so start acting like it damnit!

Big Momma said...

Well, well, well----another child heard from! Oh my hell, Chris! Where did you get such a potty mouth?