Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beware of big beaked birds!

So Saturday morning Zack the rooster was up at 5:30. This should be illegal to get up that early and wake everyone up on a SATURDAY!!!! And boy was he full of it. So as I was making breakfast I sent him outside. He came slinking back inside and went right up to his bedroom. Jay and I looked at each other and knew there was trouble on the horizon. So I went upstairs to access the situation. I asked him what was going on...nothing he denied. Asked again....nothing. Asked AGAIN and this time he tells me, "Welllll, when I was outside I saw a bird with a big beak and he pecked out daddy's window." Let's go see. So we go outside and sure enough, the big side window on the Expedition is "peaked" out and shattered. Jay and I asked him in unison, "ZACK!!!! Did you do this?" He looks at us and says, "NOOOO!!! How could I do that? I don't have a big beak! Look at my little nose!" He was very offended that we would even consider him as the culprit. Yes...HE was offended!

1 comment:

PahlEWog said...

Some stewpid hugh peckerhead dissed your windshield?